Condylar Fracture: Nontreatment Case Followed Over 23 Years Facebook Youtube Linkedin By German O Ramirez-Yanez , James E Scott This article describes a case of early mandibular condylar fracture in a female patient. Followup visits over about 23 years without treatmen showed completelu re-stabilized anatomy and function after the pubertal growth spurt, Temporary ankylosis and lack or growth with severe deviation and […]
Prevalence of Mandibular Asymmetries in Growing Patients Facebook Youtube Linkedin By German O. Ramirez-Yañez, Allyson Stewart, Erin Franken and Kenia Campos The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of mandibular asymmetries during the mixed dentition in growing children. For this purpose, a retrospective study was designed where various measurements were performed on the right and left sides […]
Treatment of Anterior Open Bite with the Bimler Functional Appliance: Report of Three Cases Facebook Youtube Linkedin By German Ramirez-Yañez There is still controversy regarding the efficacy of functional appliances when treating malocclusion at an early age. Although a good outcome from treatment is important, the stability of the results over time becomes a major concern. This paper presents the results of three open bite cases treated with […]
Early Intervention in a Case of Severe Mandibular Retrusion Facebook Youtube Linkedin Drs. German O. Ramirez-Yañez and Carlos M. Mejia-Gomez A clinical case is presented showing a non-syndromic child born with a severely retruded mandible and deep bite. An early intervention permitted improvement of the sagittal and vertical relationships between both maxillaries before the patient enters into the mixed dentition. This clinical case […]