To understand the structural and functional problems associated with Temporomandibular Disorders as well as with Sleep Disordered Breathing, and how teaming dentists, physical therapists, chiropractors and osteopaths may produce better and more successful treatment results.


Dr. Mariano Rocabado.

He is a doctor of physical therapy and dean of the faculty of rehabilitation sciences at the University of Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile.

In the academic field, he is a full professor at the University of Chile, Department of orthodontics, and full professor at the School of Physical Therapy, University of Andres Bello.

He is also a full Professor at the Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Masters program, and the Masters Program in Physiopathology of the Craniocervical, Craniomandibular and Facial Pain Program, University of Andres Bello.

Kevin Fairfield.

Registered Physiotherapist Osteopathic Practitioner Medical Acupuncture Provider
I have spent the last two decades of my life learning the “science” and the “art” of manual physical medicine. Being a hands-on manual physiotherapist, osteopathic practitioner and acupuncture provider, I have learned that the key to success is spending quality time and being extremely thorough when assessing and treating patients. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is one of my mottos in finding the underlying causation of patient’s symptoms. 

After completing my undergraduate degree (B.A), I acquired a Health Science degree specializing in Physiotherapy (BHSc PT), both from McMaster University.
I am a certified Medical Acupuncture Practitioner (AFCI) and hold a diploma of Osteopathy (DO) from the Académie Sutherland d’Ostéopathie du Quebec.


Tema Stein.

Tema Stein has had over 50 years of experience as a paediatric physical therapist, and department head in Toronto and Vancouver, and over 20 years as an osteopathic manual practitioner. She was the founder of Footprints Therapy that began in 1988 and was the co- owner of the practice until recently.

Tema has taught extensively across Canada both as a physical therapist and osteopathic manual practitioner. She had given courses, workshops and presentations for colleagues, students, parents, doctors, dentists, and the general public. As an expert in paediatric issues, she has appeared on TV and radio and has been featured in two editions of Today’s Parent magazine. Until recently she was an assistant professor for paediatrics at the Canadian College of Osteopathy and at the College D’Etudes en Osteopathie.

Dr. German Ramirez.

A Certified Pediatric Dentist practicing in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. Author of the book Early Treatment of Malocclusions and many scientific publications in peer review journals. He is a well-recognized international speaker and co-chair of the course Sleep Disordered Breathing and Orthodontics at the Loma Linda University Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry Specialty programs.


Saturday August 7th, 2021

8:30 – 8:45 am  Introduction

8:45 – 10:15 am  “Cranio Vertebral Biomechanics.Dental Occlusion.
                                Tricentric Relation craniovertebral craniomandibular of Rocabado
                                and Dynamic centric occlusion at rest.”

Dr. Mariano Rocabado
  (PT, OMT, DPT, c.c.T.T, Ph.D.)

10:15 am – 10:30 am  Q & A

10:30 am – 10:45 am  Break

10:45 am – 12:15 pm “The lost art of physical examination and differential diagnosis of the whole person… The continuity and contiguity of the body and its impact on the TMJ.”

Kevin Fairfield
(Registered Physiotherapist, Osteopathic Practitioner, Medical Acupuncture Provider)

12:15 pm – 12:30 pm  Q & A

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm  Lunch Break

1:00 – 2:30 pm  “From tummy to toddler. The role of osteopathy and paediatric physical therapy in promoting and supporting proper cranio facial development and posture in our little ones. Team work at its best”

Tema Stein
BPT, D.O.M.P., DScO, Registered Physical Therapist, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner.

2:30 pm – 2:45 pm  Q & A

2:45 pm – 3:00 pm  Break

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm  “Mouth Breathing: Understanding its physio-pathology and its consequences”.

Dr. German Ramirez

4:30 – 4:45 pm  Q & A

4:45 pm  Adjourn