Module 4: June 3 - 4, 2023

Module 4. June 03 -04, 2023

Module 3. April 29-30, 2023 (Completed)

Module 1. February 11–12, 2023 (Completed)

Module 2. March 18-19, 2023 (Completed)


Dr. German Ramírez

Dr. Ramirez is a dentist from Colombia. He is a certified Paediatric Dentistry in Canada.

He has trained in Orthodontics and received a Master Degree in Dental Sciences in Australia and PhD degree in Oral Biology in Australia. He also holds a Master degree with focus in Craniofacial Pain and Sleep Apnoea from Tufts University.

Dr. Ramirez is the author of the book “Early Treatment of Malocclusions: Prevention and Interception in Primary Dentition”, as well as the co-author of the book “Guiding Craniofacial Growth and Development with The Myobrace System.”

He investigates on Craniofacial Growth and Development, the Patho-Physiology of Functional Disorders in the Cranio-Cervico-Mandibular system and how the craniofacial structures are modified by functional appliance

Fabiola Nossa

Fabiola has been a health professional for more than 25 years. Since 2012 she has been passionate about Orofacial Myofunctional therapy.

She has trained with Joy Moeller, Sandra Coulson in the USA. Also she trained with Esther Gokhale in body posture improvement and trained with Patrick McKeown in the Buteyko breathing method.

Lately she became a Certified Specialist in Orofacial Myology from the Graduate School of Behavioral Health Sciences in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Fabiola has developed a system to integrate Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy in the dental clinic; guiding craniofacial growth and development in children and correcting oral dysfunctions.

Lectures and practices in person at:


5045 Orbitor Drive, Unit 10-300 - Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 4Y4, Canada.



5050 Orbitor Drive • Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 4X2 Canada.

Book your corporate rate for K.M. ACADEMY INC

Cluster code: B5129





  • To envision craniofacial growth and development as a life-long process.
  • To recognise the association between craniofacial structural and functional disturbances with sleep and breathing disorders.
  • To learn how to treat a developing malocclusion in primary and mixed dentition with the Planas’ Direct Tracks (PDTs).
  • To improve your skills based on your clinical observations. 


Module 1 – Day 1 – Saturday February 11th, 2023

8:00 – 8:30 am:          Registration and breakfast.
8:30 – 10:30 am:        Insights in Craniofacial Growth and Development.
10:30 – 10:45 am:      Break
10:45 – 12:45 pm:      Craniofacial structures and its association with the airway.

12:45 – 1:30 pm:        LUNCH
1:30 –  3:30 pm:         Unilateral Posterior Crossbite: Selective grinding and Planas’ Direct Tracks (PDTs) to                            correct it at an early age.

3:30 – 3:45 pm:          Break
3:15 – 5:00 pm:          Anterior Crossbite:  Selective grinding and Planas’ Direct Tracks (PDTs) to correct it either in primary or mixed dentitions.

5:00:                            Adjurn.

Day 2 – Sunday February 12th, 2023

8:30 – 10:30 am:        Distocclusion associated with Deep bite: Improving the maxilla-mandibular vertical relationships with the Planas’ DirectTracks.

10:30 – 10:45 am:      Break
10:45 – 12:45 pm:      Hands – on practice. Building the Planas Direct Tracks

12:45 – 1:30 pm:        LUNCH
1:30 – 3:00 pm:          Presentation of the participating dentist’s patient cases.

3:00 pm:                     Adjourn



  • To comprehend the differences between Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing (OSDB) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).
  • To expound the consequences of mouth breathing, as a chronic problem, on the patient’s general health.
  • To understand a developing malocclusion causes breathing issues, which becomes a health problem in your patient.
  • To recognize the structural and functional problems in your patients to make a complete diagnosis.
  • To understand the importance of integrating Orofacial Myology in your practice to improve your results when treating malocclusions.
  • To integrate Orofacial Myology in your practice to improve nasal breathing and tongue posture.
  • To understand the modus operandi of the Archwire-Light-Force (ALF) appliance.


Module 2  – Day 1 – Saturday, March 18, 2023

8:00 – 8:30 am:          Registration and Breakfast.

8:30 – 9:30 am:          Let’s Review the previous module concepts.

9:30 – 10:30 am:        Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing (OSDB): The pathway to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

10:30 – 10:45 am:      Break

10:45 – 12:45 pm:      Tongue dynamics and its anatomy: Working with 18 muscles! Why is the tongue the best palatal expander!!!

12:45 – 1:30 pm:        LUNCH

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm:   Craniogenesis and OSDBs: Connecting the dots.

2:30 – 2:45 pm:          Break

2:45 – 5:00 pm:          Dentists and Orofacial Myologysts working together for better treatment results. How to improve Nasal breathing with Orofacial Myology. Aka Myofunctional therapy.

Module 2 – Day 2 – Sunday, March 19, 2023

8:30 – 10:30 am:        The Archwire-Light-Force (ALF) appliance: A slow developing system.

10:30 – 10:45 am:      Break

10:45 – 12:45 pm:      Orofacial Myology to improve breathing and start improving tongue posture and tongue dynamics. Let’s practice exercises to improve tongue rest posture.

1:00 – 1:45 pm:          LUNCH

1:45 – 3:00 pm:          Hands-on: How to deliver and activate the ALF.  Practice exercises to improve tongue posture and its dynamics.

3:00 pm: Adjour



  • To learn how to improve your clinical-based diagnosis of the structural disturbances using the lateral cephalogram Rx.
  • To recognize situations where both, the maxilla and mandible are retruded.
  • To envision how to integrate various treatment systems to achieve better results.
  • To design a complete orthodontic treatment to correct all the factors that may be causing the malocclusion.
  • To minimize the possibilities of later treatments when correcting a malocclusion at an early age.


Day 1 – Saturday April 29, 2023

8:00 – 8:30 am:          Registration and Breakfast.

8:30 – 10:30 am:        The Myofunctional appliances: Understanding their modus operandi and how to choose          them. Cases treated with them.

10:30 – 10:45 am:       Break

10:45 – 12:30 pm:      Let’s practice Lip’s seal and lips strengthening exercises.

12:30 – 1:15 pm:        LUNCH

1:15  – 2:45 pm:         PDTs, Myofunctional appliances and the ALF appliance: Three systems working together to produce better results and give a better airway to your patient.

2:45 – 3:00 pm:          Break

3:00 – 4:00 pm:          Let’s practice more exercises.

4:00 – 5:00 pm:           Review your patient’s progress.


Day 2 – Sunday, April 30, 2023

8:30 – 10:30 am:      When and how to measure on the lateral cephalogram: recognizing a Bi-Maxillary retrusion!

10:30 – 10:45 am:    Break

10:45 – 12:30 pm:      Tongue and Lip restrictive frenums:

  • When to intervene and when not!
  • The Orofacial Myology protocol for the ties.

12:30 – 1:15 pm:         LUNCH

1:15 – 3:00 pm:          Hands-on Cephalometry on 3 different malocclusions . Let’s practice swallowing exercises.

3:00 pm: Adjourn



  • To learn how to integrate fixed techniques when treating malocclusions in mixed and permanent dentitions.
  • To integrate Orofacial Myology in your practice, as an important asset for your ortho treatment results.
  • To learn how to use current technology to motivate your patients and improve compliance during your treatments.
  • To understand how to treat all the structural and functional disturbances with an integrated treatment plan.
  • To establish a protocol in your office to improve the oral functions in your orthodontic patients.


Day 1 – Saturday, June 3, 2023.

8:30 – 10:30 am:        Review of the concepts presented in the previous modules.

10:30 – 10:45 am:      Break

10:45 – 12:30 pm:      The four-points of obstruction in the airway and its association with the craniofacial structural and functional disturbances.

12:30 – 1:00 pm:        LUNCH

1:00  – 2:30 pm:         Improve your clinical Eye !!!!!Integrating fixed techniques when treating malocclusions in mixed and permanent dentitions.

2:30 – 2:45 pm:          Break
2:45 – 5:00 pm:          Other resources in Orofacial Myology to improve the treatment results.

 Day 2 – Sunday, June 4, 2023

8:30 – 10:30 am:        Moving the maxilla forward with the GR Maxillary protractor. How to combine the GRMP with the other techniques in your practice. Williams appliance for mandibular expansion. SN# with equiplan for anterior crossed bite.

10:30 – 10:45 am:      Break
10:45 – 12:30 pm:      A suggested protocol on how to integrate Orofacial Myology in a monthly visit schedule. Continue learning more exercises.

12:30 – 1:00 pm:        LUNCH
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm:   Let’s check the progress of the clinical cases with the group!

3:00 pm: Adjourn


Module 4: Saturday June 3 - 4, 2023